I also forgot to give Molly the birthday shout-out treatment last TWiN. And her birthday is tomorrow. So I'm doing it now, to save face.
Birthday shout-out to Molly!
Done and done.
11 years ago
I'm Nelson. This is my weekly thing. No big deal. It started back in 2007, but this version is new as of January, 2009. For now, some past entries are viewable at my MySpace page blog: myspace.com/robonelson. Full disclosure: while I don't intend to post pictures of women fallating horses or anything, I do have a sailor's gift for wordplay. So, if you're a child, ask your cool uncle for permission before diving in. Okay, here we go . . .
Yay! I didn't know this was here, spoiled by the email as I am. I feel throughly shouted out!